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"The first thing to be disturbed by our commitment to nonviolence will not be the system, but our own lives."

James Douglass

Our Seasonal Newsletter

Upcoming Events!

Virtual Lenten Workshop

( to replace annual April retreat)

Annual August 15 Celebration
Annual Fall Retreat in Lowell

         Dates To Be Announced

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to Our Site

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We are USA Associates of the Sisters of the Assumption.

 Wherever the Associates live and work, we strive to extend the mission of the

Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin 

to reveal God's love to all, and

embody their charism of trust in Divine Providence. 

Please scroll down to learn a bit more about us.


Janet Daigle, ASASV

Skowhegan, ME

Being an ASASV is important to me as it gives me access to women and men of faith who share with, inspire, and inform me. I have always desired to be involved in a ministry of prayer, contemplation and service, and this association seems perfect for me.

John Nagelschmidt, ASASV

Millbury, MA

My wife and I were invited to "come and see" what the Associates of the Sisters of the Assumption was all about. For seven years we have participated in our local group each month. We look forward to the annual retreats and celebration of the Feast of the Assumption. These larger regional events where the Sisters and Associates both attend bring new ideas, perspectives, spirituality and a sense of being connected to something bigger than myself.

Pat Hemingway, ASASV

Southbridge, MA

To me being an ASASV means passing on what I learned from the Sisters, from an early age to today; serving God through His Church, trusting in Divine Providence, welcoming people the way he would!

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Our thanks to Stephen for this beautiful picture!

"We are companions on the journey!"


The banner pictured here

that so beautifully illustrates our companionship was created by Millbury Associate, Gloria Millette, who was a beloved companion with us until her passing in 2021.

Below the banner and to the left is the symbol of the Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, SASV, and to the right is the symbol for us, their Associates, ASASV.

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Gloria Millette
February 10, 1943 – December 18, 2021

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Monument to Religious Teaching Communities in Old Québec City, Canada


Marie of the Incarnation was the first Catholic nun to arrive in Québec in 1639. Among her many accomplishments, she founded the Ursuline Order in Canada and the first girl’s school in North America. She was canonized as a saint in 2014. In 1997, on the 325th anniversary of her death, a bronze sculpture by Jules Lasalle was erected in a small square named Place des Tourangelles.

Monument to Religious Teaching Communities is a tribute to all the dedicated people who followed Marie’s example by educating generations of Québec’s youth. The outstretched hand holding a leaf rests upon a stack of books. The Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin are engraved on the statue's base as well!

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