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April 12, 2021 Faith/Sharing Group

How wonderful it was to be able to meet for zoom with Sr. Claudette at Sue Ellen’s house. Diane, Vi, Jean and Janet were there in person, having received our Covid vaccinations, we felt very safe to come together.


We studied the Third Sunday of Easter. The focus was “The Burning Joy of Jubilation”.


First Reading: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 Peter told the people how their God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had glorified Jesus through his death and resurrection. The people did not understand all that God had done for them (the removal of their sins if they acknowledged Jesus and asked for His forgiveness.)


Second Reading: I John 2:1-5a in this reading the author is more specific of what Jesus did for us. He states, “He is expiation for our sins, and not for our sins only but for those of the whole world.” What a perfect connection to Divine Mercy Sunday when we pray and “to those of the whole world”.


It takes a while for the people to realize this truth which is not surprising. Was not Jesus crucified at the will of the people? No one cried to save Him, only women wept who did not understand.


The Gospel – Luke 24:35-48


Two disciples did not recognize Jesus either as He walked with them on the way to Emmaus. He explained many events to them as they traveled, but only when they asked Him to stay and share bread with them did they actually realize that it was Jesus. They realized also that their hearts were burning “within them”. Surely, their Spirit recognized the presence of Jesus, their light and salvation.


What a fantastic joy to reunite with the Lord! To know that forgiveness for all our sins is possible. We must follow God’s commandments and live in a spirit of truth. John 8:32 “and you will now the truth and the truth will set you free” which will set us free.


We did share some of our own feelings too. We all expressed how joyful and peaceful it was to actually attend church services in person again.


Another said what a great joy and blessing it was to spend time with their grandchildren again. Having received the Covid vaccination they felt safe to hug and spend time with them.


Another shared how she felt so much more “free” after disposing of much of her “stored stuff” – all she deemed so necessary until she learned there was no more room to keep it – And life still goes on – more freedom, more space.


Another spoke of the joy in attending a service of Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration and Confession on Divine Mercy Sunday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. When we had a Deacon, we often had such Sunday hours.

One fried said she was a “character” and was happy to admit it which brought laughter from all of us. Are not we all characters in our own way?


Time to end our meeting. We will plan to meet to Zoom with Sr. Claudette in May. After our faith sharing usually closes for the summer months. In the fall we will hope to meet in person in our room at church.


Sincerely submitted,

Janet D. ASASV

Monday, February 1, 2021  

Faith Sharing Zoom meeting at Sue Ellen’s


We are doing better joining the “zoom age” for our ASASV faith sharing meetings. Janice and I joined Sue Ellen as we were joined by Sister Claudette, Anna, Vi and Jean.

We shared the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Times for February 7th. Today’s focus: We love this place. We love this moment – But cannot stay.


First reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7


The story of Job is so sad. A good man, he has always loved and served God. Everything in his life has changed. What did he do wrong? Why is he so troubled and without hope? He declares “I will not see happiness again.”


Second reading: 1 Cor. 9:16-19, 22-23


Paul spoke of his obligation to preach the gospel. It is his duty delegated to him by the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is very earnest in his obligation. Despite his own hardships and arrest, he is anxious to preach the good news to all peoples.


The Gospel: Mark 1:29-39


Jesus has just begun his ministry with his new disciples. Entering the house of Peter, he finds Peter’s mother in law sick with fever. Taking her hand, he heals her. She gets up and serves them. Many, many people are brought to Jesus to be cured. Even the demons cry out. They know he is the son of God. Jesus heals them all. He is exhausted! Early next morning he goes away to pray (a short time of peace). But when the disciples find him, he is ready to leave. He must go to the nearby village that he may preach to them also. “For this purpose have I come.”

We are learning to discuss by zoom. 

“I love this earth, but I cannot stay.”


During this time of Covid 19 we are all living in rather difficult circumstances. We so miss people, to be able to come together and face to face share our insights. We must “live in the moment” being thankful for every blessing. Be mindful of our attitudes, our words, to be positive, to be prayerful.

Whomever we meet, where ever we meet, it is our duty as followers of Jesus and God to be positive, cheerful, compassionate, forgiving offering love. 

As it was mentioned in our discussion “we are becoming”. I think of all the people who have sinned. They are encouraged to change, to become what God wishes them to be. 

I think of our own young adults in our families. I pray so powerfully for them to be aware of what life has to offer them, to know God and “listen” to his guidance.

Jesus loved this beautiful earth his Father provided. He loved his Father even more and came to do his will. He did not stay, but through his suffering and death has opened Heaven to us.


Thanks be to God.


We closed by saying living and praying with the Word. Waved our good byes and signed off. 


Until next Zoom time,


Skowhegan Associates Free the Girls proj

Check out our Skowhegan Associates latest project... 

The "Free the Girls" project!


Sue Ellen Lexier writes, "We collected 45 bras for ladies/girls who have been freed from sex trafficking."  Find out more about this project at

The Skowhegan Associates learned of the project from the NACAR newsletter. NACAR is the North American Conference of Associates and Religious and we are members!


Faith Sharing Meeting


March 9, 2020                                                                                                7 Members


Sue Ellen asked Helen to lead our ASASV meeting this second Monday in March.


Today’s focus: The tender voice of Jesus.


First Reading: Exodus 17:3-7 The people were angry with God and, also, with Moses. They needed water. Now. God told Moses to strike the rock with his staff which he did. Water poured forth. The place where this happened was called Massah (a place of testing) God. Meribah (a place of quarreling) was meant to become a place of trust. God did provide. 


The second reading: Rom 5:1-2, 5-8 states we have been justified by faith, hope and peace in our Lord, Jesus Christ. 


The Gospel John 4:5-42 tells the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman. We discussed a great deal about this reading. Jesus spoke to a woman, a Samaritan, not one of their group. The fact that Jesus knew so much about her life was amazing to her. How could he know? Could this man, who offered her “living water” be the Christ?


She ran to the village to tell her neighbors what he had said. They listened to her and returned to hear for themselves. So much to ponder. 


We also did some wondering. Where are all the members who should be in church? Where are our youth and young families? How dangerous is the new Corona 19 virus? What lies ahead for our world. 


Finally, back to basics, we read the prayer for our Chapter 2020 and closed with prayer.


We are women of faith. We will continue to share, laugh and pray.


                                                            Respectfully submitted,


                                                            Janet Daigle

Faith Sharing Meeting


February 24, 2020                                                                  9 Members


Because of the holiday and stormy weather, we planned on this being our ASASV meeting, but Sue Ellen did not feel well. Jean led our meeting and collected the bras for our “Free the Girls” project.


We began reading about Lent, Jean led us as we studied for March 1st, the first Sunday of Lent.


In the reading from Genesis when the serpent tempted Eve and Adam to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree, we asked some interesting questions. Adam and Eve did not know of death. What did it mean? It had not been known before.


When the two were discovered in their sin, they were banished from the garden of Eden – a loss of the presence of God.


In the second reading (Rom. 5:12-19) we learned death reigned from Adam to Moses. Was this because Moses presented the Law which was written on the tablets? Christ’s death brings an end to the reign of death.


In the Gospel (Matt: 4:1-11) We read of Jesus’ time in the desert. He resists the temptations of the devil. In his power, he remains true to God and overcomes Satan and sin. 


We had some interesting discussions and plan to ask Father Jim a variety of questions when he meets with us next Thursday. We are very fortunate that Father Jim is willing to give us of his time to meet with him. He is very knowledgeable and explains well and clearly. There is always so much to learn.


Some of us did meet for lunch. It is fun to share time and stories.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                              Janet ASASV

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