Lowell, Marlboro, Meriden, Brockton, Watertown Associates
January 2025 Meeting
December 2024 Meeting
November 2024 Meeting
October 2024 Meeting
May 2024 Meeting
March 2024 Meeting
February 2024
January Meeting
September 8, 2023
The heavens are telling the glory of God,
And all creation is shouting for joy!
Come, dance in the forest, come, play in the field,
And sing, sing to the glory of the Lord!We come together this evening to celebrate the birth of our Blessed Mother, the founding of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Assumption 170 years ago, (Sept. 8, 1853) and the 40th anniversary of our Associate program. (1983)
Let us begin our prayer by listening to ‘My Heart’s Thanksgiving’ by Himig Heswita, a song expressing Mary’s and our Magnificat.
As I sing my heart’s thanksgiving and my eyes look heaven ward,
How the stars you flung like jewels bid your welcome, shine your light.
As I marvel at your moonrise, I’m in awe yet I ask.
“What am I that you should love me, and hold me as your dearest love of all”.You crown me with honor and glory, and you set all things under my feet.
You have made me little less than angels even if I fly often away.
In my anxious and browbeaten moments you comfort me, fill me with peace.
When my foes threaten, dare, and surround me, you’re my strength you’re my light and my shield. How exalted Your name is, O Yahweh and how lofty the work of your hands.
Yet how closely, how dearly you draw me to your love, your divine majesty.PRAYER: ‘With Mary, …who is recognized as model of the evangelical life, we want to stake all on God, by placing our faith in His unfailing Providence, in order to reveal God’s love.’ . (For an Evangelical Lifestyle, SASV Constitutions, p.16)
With our foundresses and Jean Harper, let us live our lives as they lived theirs, trusting in God’s Providence
Gospel: Beatitudes: Matthew 5:3-10
Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Questions for discussion:
1. As we celebrate Mary’s birthday, our congregation’s 170thanniversary and the
Associates’ 40th anniversary, is there a celebration that has brought you much joy
and would like to share with us?
2. What spoke to you in the above scripture, prayer, and song?
3. How is Mary’s present in my life?
Intercession: Please respond “We thank you, Lord.”
In gratitude for our Founder, Jean Harper whose message was, “Let us cast ourselves into the arms of Divine Providence”.
We thank you, Lord.
In gratitude for Mere de l’Assomption, who encouraged her sisters to “serve the Lord well for at the hour of death, all that remains is what we did for Him.”
We thank you, Lord.
In gratitude for Mere Sainte- Marie’s lifestyle of faith & charity.
We thank you, Lord.
In gratitude for Mere Sainte-Joseph’s generous spirit in the education of young girls,
We thank you, Lord.
In gratitude for the simple and humble life which Mere- de-Jesus exemplified,
We thank you, Lord.
In gratitude for all the gifts we have received, let us pray the Hail Mary.
Final Prayer:
God of commitments and celebrations, as members of the SASV family, we unite ourselves to one another under Mary's patronage. We ask for the gifts of hope and trust as we continue our journey toward You. Help us to live out our daily commitment with joy and love
February 2023 Lowell Associates Meeting
February 2023 Lowell Associates Meeting
13 Sisters and Associates joined Claire Couillard virtually for the February 1st Lowell meeting. Janet Nadeau and Christine Milner from the USA Associates Coordination Team joined associates from Lowell and Brockton for a Valentine/Love/themed faith sharing that heard us bring our recent life experiences to bear on the inspiring words from Proverbs 3:3-4 . Intercultural sharing, "broken hearts," and the fact that Love knows no age or gender or race limitations...were some of the highlights shared that evening!
January 2023 Lowell Associates Meeting
November & December 2022 Meetings
January 2022 Lowell Associates Meeting
January 2022 Lowell Associates Meeting
Lowell ASASV & SASV Meeting December 9th, 2021
Check-in Time
Zoom: the Leadership of the ASASV’s has purchased for our group a license to Zoom more efficiently with our friends of Brockton, Meriden and Florida. Our Zoom sessions will no longer be interrupted, so no more signing off and back on. You will receive the Zoom link from Sr. Jeanne who has accepted to handle this for us.
Just a little reminder also that when on our zoom calls, please remember to silence your cell phones so that there is no voice or noise interference.
Future Meeting Dates
January 6th - Zoom at 6:30 pm
February 10th - Zoom at 6:30 pm
March 10th - Zoom/ In person at 6:30 pm
April 7th - In person place to be determined 6:30 pm
May 5th - In person place to be determined 6:30 pm
June 9th - In person place to be determined 6:30 pm
Prayer Intentions
Placing ourselves in the quiet to pray and share our prayer.