Millbury Associates
Millbury Associates
For our December 2024 meeting, Millbury Associates and Sr. Lucille Cormier along with Sister Janice Belanger and the Southbridge Associates had a wonderful time visiting the nine Sisters who reside at Marie Esther in Marlboro for a festive Advent/Christmas gathering (check Events tab for more details).
Photo: Stephen St. Denis
November 2024 Meeting
June 2024 Meeting
Thanks to all who were able to participated in the Millbury Associates Summer celebration at Care One with Sr. Jeanne last night. I know Sr. Jeanne is an inspiration for everyone she encounters. It was moving to hear how she described her life at Care One as her ministry, how she is helping some of the people she lives with in small but important ways. Below are two pictures of the folks gathered last night.
Have a happy and blessed rest of the summer.
In February, Kandy gave each Millbury Associate their own Lenten Tool Kit and provided a beautiful reflection. Please see photos below.
ASASV Claire with her new husband Austin
ASASV Claire with her parents Donna and John who are also ASASV
After a beautiful and impactful meeting, Millbury Associates made quick work of scrumptious cookies from Aline and a Lemon Custard panettone from an Italian friend!
Monday, December 12, 2022
The 12 Days of Christmas
Have you ever wondered about the symbolic lyrics of the Christmas carol, The 12 Days of Christmas? Read Kandy's reflection and check out her poster below to learn about her Irish ancestors' interpretation! You can settle in with a nice cup of tea and a slice of delicious Lemon Bread. The recipe below is from Jim's Mother, Helen. We shared in this and other scrumptious treats provided by Stephen after our Associates' meeting this month.
A Blessed Christmas, Everyone!
Millbury & Southbridge Associates
Meet with Sr. Carmen
November 2, 2022 Associate Meeting
Millbury SASV Associates
Monday, September 12, 2022
Millbury SASV Associates
Monday, June 13, 2022
Millbury SASV Associates
Monday, April 11, 2022
March 14, 2022
Millbury February 14, 2022
Companions On the Journey Banner
Created by Millbury Associate Gloria Millette
for the SASV Family
It is with great sadness that the Millbury Associates marked the passing of Gloria Millette, one of our dear companions!
Millbury Associates
September 2021 Meeting
Attendance was reduced for our first in-person meeting in quite a while, but it was a good meeting nonetheless! We offered the Chapter Prayer for the sisters and associate representatives as they participate via Zoom in the 2020 Chapter from September 11 - 18. We listened to Sunday's reading from James 1:14-18 and discussed the deeds of our ASASV group as expressions of our faith. Stephen offered a beautiful reflection which can be accessed here*.
With the Chapter theme and prayer in our minds and hearts we considered three questions about our Millbury ASASV group.
Millbury SASV Associates Meeting Handout
Monday January 11, 2021
Hope you are doing well during these still crazy times. :)
We had another great meeting by Zoom in Millbury! We were smaller in numbers this week but we met to reflect on the Epiphany and gift giving. We shared how this year has been a year of unexpected gifts and finding "the little things" precious.
We of course discussed the star and the joy in the three kings who saw and followed the star.
Claire N.
December 14, 2020
Millbury Associates Meeting Guide
November 30, 2020 --- Associates' Meeting
Our November Associates' meeting, our
second Zoom Meeting was a success with
12 in attendance!
We met tonight with a Thanksgiving theme on this second day of Advent :)
You can access the meeting handout here.
We read Sr. Judy Curley's Thanksgiving message and the Thanksgiving Prayer from the USA Associates’ Leadership Team.
In our brief reflection, we considered our hope ablaze this Thanksgiving season and how we find things to be thankful for even in this global pandemic. Our faith and hope ablaze saves us like the leper's faith in the Gospel saved him.
In our faith sharing it was noted that Thanksgiving should be a daily event, one associate informing us that science shows a reduction in anxiety for those who give daily thanks. Another associate pointed out that a foreigner was the one leper who returned to thank Jesus for his healing, pointing out that in the world today people may be quick to judge others and foreigners are not excluded from those judgements. We all agreed that during these unprecedented times it is so important to offer aide to each other and give thanks daily.
Millbury SASV Associates Meeting
Zoom Video Conference Meeting
Thursday October 29, 2020
“For all the Saints”
Happy Birthday, Sr. Jeanne!
Sr. Jeanne celebrated 95 years of life on September 7, 2020!
Sr. Jeanne, Sr. Judy, Stephen and Jim Izatt had a beautiful day for their pilgrimage to Petersham on Labor Day followed by an excursion along some very scenic back roads in central Mass, with lunch at a roadside landmark (Janine's Frostee Restaurant & Ice Cream Shop) in Ware Mass; as well as a post-lunch side trip to Gilbertville, MA to visit its iconic covered bridge. It was a great day and everyone had a really wonderful time.
Description of Photos from Pilgrimage to Petersham, MA (Clockwise starting in upper lefthand corner)
1. SASV gravesite marker – Village Cemetery, Petersham, MA with Sr. Judy, Sr. Jeanne, and Millbury Associate, Jim
2. Sr. Jeanne at covered bridge in Hardwick (Gilbertville), MA 2020-09-07
3. Sr. Jeanne with ASASV Leadership Team member Stephen and Sr. Judy at covered bridge in Hardwick (Gilbertville), MA 2020-09-07
4. Sr. Judy, Sr, Jeanne, and Stephen at Sr. Fernande’s gravesite, Village Cemetery, Petersham, MA
5. Sr. Fernande's grave at Village Cemetery, Petersham, MA
Millbury Associates Meeting
March 9, 2020
On Monday, March 9th, The Millbury SASV Associates gathered for their monthly meeting. Associates Aline B., Eva D. and Claire N. met days before the meeting to settle on a theme for our gathering. The meeting leaders settle on a Lenten topic of resisting temptations.
Aline proclaimed scripture from Matthew (Chapter 4: 1-11). Following the scripture Aline told a short story about our 100-year-old Associate, Claire D., who when she felt a moment of temptation would proclaim in French “Retourne au diable de l’enfer, où tu appartiens.” (You devil; go back to hell where you belong.)
Thank you, Aline, for sharing a touching story of Claire’s wisdom to stand down our temptations right on the spot! Eva then shared a reflection called “Love the Gardner” and Claire N. shared some personal thoughts on the Matthew scripture that was proclaimed. The group sang “Be not afraid” followed by a few minutes of personal quiet reflection.
The larger group the broke into smaller groups for faith sharing on the question; What aides you in resisting temptation, in Lent and every day? After a period of sharing some of the group witnessed what they heard. The meeting ended with intercessory prayers and prayer intentions.
Millbury Associates Meeting
February 10, 2020
Saint Scholastica
Welcome and news: Sr Jeanne and Associates
Opening Prayer: Let us rejoice in the Glorious Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Heaven where she is raised above the angles reining eternally with Jesus Christ. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Scripture: Colossians 3:13-17
Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Short Reflection: Patterns of Harmony Jim Izatt
Introduction and receiving the Chapter 2020 Prayer
Praying the Chapter prayer: alternating sides for each verse.
Quiet Personal Reflection 5-7 minutes
Faith sharing in groups:
In what way or ways do I, at times, unwittingly contribute to or cause disharmonious situations; and what can I as an Associate and we as Associates do to create patterns for harmony in our daily activities: at home, around our neighborhood, at our church and parish or in our town or city?
New Group Liaison for Our Group.
Pray together: Providential God, who through all ages are equally wise, powerful, and generous toward those who entrust themselves to you….. protect us, assist us, save us.
Intercessory Prayers
February Birthdays: Gloria Millette, February 10 - Barbara Mort, February 25
Next Meeting: Monday March 9, 2020 Claire Nagelschmidt, Aline Bourdeau and Eva Donovan