Southbridge Associates
For our December 2024 meeting, Sister Janice Belanger and the Southbridge Associates along with and Sr. Lucille Cormier and the Millbury Associates had a wonderful time visiting the nine Sisters who reside at Marie Esther in Marlboro for a festive Advent/Christmas gathering (check Events tab for more details).
September Meeting
Sunday’s Gospel fostered our faith sharing about the cost of discipleship…some in todays generation do not appreciate sacrifice and feel like life owes them whatever they want. When bad things happen there’s no belief that God is hidden in the pain & that suffering teaches us what we need to know. Peter had to learn too that God is found in events and places we don’t want…Even Jesus had to accept suffering & sacrifice.
Wednesday, January 11th Southbridge Associate Meeting
Christine shared with the group new folders in which to carry the Chapter directive bookmark, our Examen questions, the document on Divine Providence and our revised Guidelines book. She then shared the content of the Associate Coordination Team’s letter to the General Council and their response to us. She announced the invitation for the Congregational Zoom gathering on January 24th on how we can offer hope in our world confronted with so many major issues.
Clara Delage then led the spiritual/faith-sharing component of our evening. Please see the accompanying document to enjoy what was shared.
Southbridge December 13, 2022 Associates Meeting
On Tuesday, December 13th, the Southbridge Associates collected their gifts for the Sisters, participated in Advent faith-sharing, and celebrated Christmas together! We also discerned that we will be meeting at the home of Eddy & Clara delage going forward. Below is the handout we followed. 10 members attended.
Millbury & Southbridge Associates
Meet with Sr. Carmen
November 2, 2022 Associate Meeting
Southbridge Associates October 12 Meeting
Pat Hemingway proclaimed last Sundays’ Gospel, which told the story of the 10 lepers healed, only one of which returned with a grateful heart. Pat shared that at first she couldn’t find any connection with that gospel’s message and the themes of our Oct 1st retreat that she wanted to share with all who could not participate. But as she prayed and listened, it came to her that the questions we are asking right now in our lives, which we were all asked to share with each other at the retreat echoed what these inflicted men asked Jesus that day. They asked Jesus to pity them, to hear their distress, and come to their aid. On retreat day, so many Sisters and associates shared that what they are asking right now is for God to take pity on us as we struggle with division, a pandemic, violence, waning church membership, and our uncertain future as the Sisters continue to age and we find ways to strengthen our charism nevertheless. We stated that day what doors had already begun to open, and which ones still needed to be…and we expressed gratitude and hope along with the grateful leper who took the time to tell Jesus of his joy at being restored to health!
Pat then shared a few minutes of each of the 4 witness stories shared at the retreat by 2 Sisters and 2 Associates, telling how Divine Providence has been alive and active in their lives.
Those not at the retreat then renewed their promises. Jeannine from Fryeburg, ME, and Johanna and AnnMarie from Greenfield, MA joined us by zoom! Sisters Judith Guertin and Janice Belanger also joined us in person.
Southbridge October 12, 2022 Associate Meeting
Southbridge September 14, 2022 Associate Meeting
We enjoyed the PowerPoint “Essentials”, which Christine had developed for the recent liaison meeting, to review prayerfully the essential elements of being associates: Context, Purpose, Spirituality! We then looked over pages 5, 7, and 8 of our Guidelines book, taking note of our remarks and insights for a report to be sent to the team who wrote them up.
Congregational news included the October 1st retreat, the advent book and proposed events to be offered to the SASV family in the coming year.
"What Is Essential?"
Southbridge June Meeting
Southbridge May Meeting
Southbridge April Meeting
For our April gathering, Pat Hemingway animated a solemn reflection, sharing with us her 2 trips to the Holy Land. Sharing photos taken on site of the actual places Jesus was during the 3 days of his passion and death, pat retold the impact of being present there. A reading of some of the Palm Sunday Gospel was proclaimed, and our faith sharing question was: “Share your emotional stance as you put yourself twice in the crowd’s position…are you more comfortable shouting Hosanna or Crucify Him? Share why based on your life experience. We began with Taize’s Ubi caritas, but intentionally ended and left the room in silence. It was very powerful.
Southbridge March Meeting Facilitated by Stephen St. Denis, ASASV Leadership Team
January 12th, 2022 Meeting
Southbridge December Session
We celebrated the reception ceremony for Eddy Delage and Theresa Farland, welcoming them as Associates! Sisters Judith Guertin and Janice Belanger joined us for the evening that ended with Christmas themed refreshments and song! We prayed from that evening’s advent book reflection.
November Southbridge Session
November 10, 2021
At our November session, we shared highlights from the Oct 30th retreat, discussed Christmas gifts for our Sisters, and Gereen led us in a brief reflection on the Sunday Scriptures for Nov 14, 2021: Mark 13: 24-32...
Learn a lesson from the fig tree.
When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves,
you know that summer is near.
In the same way, when you see these things happening,
know that he is near, at the gates.
Amen, I say to you,
this generation will not pass away
until all these things have taken place.
Heaven and earth will pass away,
but my words will not pass away.
Our faith sharing question: What do we see as signs that God is near our congregation and that we have reason to hope?
October 2021 Meeting
September 2021 Meeting
May 2021 Meeting
*Click on the image below to view meeting PowerPoint
March 2021 ASASV Meeting Summary
Clara D. was our animators and her topic was compassion; she chose St Paul’s letter to the Colossians as our reading and wove in this week’s installment from the Congregational Leadership team, as well as excerpts from Gospel stories showing Jesus’ great compassion. We shared on these questions: What is the difference between sympathy and true compassion? Do you see the hurt of others and seek to be there for them, encouraging them in Christ? After a closing prayer, we viewed an orchestra zoom version of “What the World Needs Now.”
Clara's Reflection*
A.S.AS.V. MEETING 2-10-2021
Opening: Tonight, we begin our meeting with remembering Sr. Jeanne d’Arc Poirier, Sr. Estelle Grenier, and Sr. Evelyn Brault. We thank them for their dedication to spreading the Father’s love. When I attended Sr. Estelle’s burial I walked around and saw so many names I recognized of Sisters who have touched my life. My thinking was how many seeds they have planted in the lives for those God entrusted them to teach. Sr. Jeanne who was a Southbridge native, Sr. Estelle who taught in Southbridge and Sr. Evelyn’s accomplishments in the USA and Japan. Let us offer thanks while listening to this song.
PLAY: St. Theresa’s Prayer
Reading of the Gospel for Sunday 2-14-2121. Mark 1: 40-45
Listen closely and choose a word that you can focus on.
Webster dictionary, “touch to have an effect upon; move emotionally.”
For me, the word is TOUCH. “Jesus stretched out His hand, touched him. In the opening prayer “the lives the Sisters have touched”. The new reality we live in touch is something we must abstain from doing. A fist bump does not do anything for me. I want to grab hold of the people I love, wrap my arms around them, have them feel my “touch” and I feel theirs.
After the leper was healed Jesus told him not to say anything but to present himself to the priest. Instead, he told everyone he met what Jesus had done. Can you imagine his excitement? Do you think we will react the same way when this virus is under control? I will be telling anyone who will listen, I kissed and hugged my children and grandchildren.
Open for discussion on word that was meaning for them.
How do we show HOPE to people when we cannot touch, hold or console them? Can we show them we miss them and love them; can they feel our hearts yearning to hold them?
Closing song: There is none like you by Carleen Sabin
January 2021 summary --- Associates' Meeting
The Gospel of John for the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time was proclaimed. [John 1:35-42] Christine then read an English translation of Sr Adrienne Roy’s letter to the Sisters and Associates of a couple weeks ago. Her reflection was based on this letter all about hope in the US during this year of pandemic and division, and focused on how we experience hope ONLY in times of chaos and darkness, and how in small ways we can give it to others. Our faith sharing question was, “When have you experienced hope making its way into your life when feeling lost in darkness and doubt?”
December 2020 summary --- Associates' Meeting
Clara proclaimed our December 6th Gospel, Mark 1:1-8, followed by her reflection.
Our faith sharing questions were:
1. How are you preparing for the coming of Christ?
2. Do you have a hard time recognizing Jesus?
“Let the Valleys Be Raised” was our closing song.
November 11, 2020 --- Associates' Meeting
Gereen facilitated this session and began by asking Clara to proclaim the coming Sunday Gospel of the Talents. Gereen created a Powerpoint reflection that included the following points:
As associates our gift given to us is our Charism…our spark. So what will we do with it?
Which servant do you feel you are?
Do you ever feel as though you are like the servant that received just the one talent?
Are you wasting an opportunity?
What opportunity do you have that you could take right now?
We need to make the absolute best of our time here. It’s easy to sit and wait with what we have.
The work that we do is not for us.
It’s for others…There’s always a little more that we are capable of giving….
We then shared our faith on those points, and we ended with “The River,” which Gereen sang for us! Discussion took place re: assigning ourselves Christmas gifts we will buy for the Sisters, and current needs in the parish’s Food Pantry.
October 14th --- Southbridge Associate Meeting
The coming Sunday’s Gospel was proclaimed, Matt. 22:15-21, and time was given to reflect on it. Our faith sharing question was then, “how do we foster the gift of HOPE God gave us through His Son, in the world today rendering to God what is God’s?” Pat Hemingway animated this session beginning with the song, “My heart is Bethlehem,” tying in a quote she read in the last NACAR report…and she ended our faith sharing with the song, “Walk with me.”
September 30th ---Southbridge Associate Meeting
Our September meeting focused on Sr Adrienne’s Sept 8th reflection, last Saturday’s retreat theme, and yesterday’s feast of the Guardian angels. We shared our reaction to the retreat and picked up on a challenge in Sr Anne Louise’s keynote: how this year can we in Southbridge, grow the quality of relationships between us, other Associates and our Sisters? Ideas were noted and will be acted upon. Ideas ranged from regular correspondence between associates and Sisters/facetime calls and zoom meetings between locations, to specific ideas such as when talking with the Sisters, as for their stories/struggles and joys to foster bonding and knowing each other better.
Our opening song was a hymn to our angels, and the closing repeated the retreat film, “Grateful!”
May 13, 2020 Zoom Meeting
Mary’s Garden: Flowers associated with Mary
Rose - symbol of life eternal. Mary has been called the Mystical Rose
Green leaves are the Joyful Mysteries
Thorns are the Sorrowful Mysteries
Fragrance symbolizes the Glorious Mysteries of Jesus and Mary
Marigolds - gold in color - reflects Mary’s glory
Periwinkles - blue in color - associated with Mary
Madonna Lily - petals reflects Mary’s purity and the gold in the middle symbolizes Mary’s beauty of soul
Rosemary a herb. Legend has it that Mary used it when she hung the infant Jesus’ clothes to dry.
Southbridge Associates March 11, 2020
Pat Gaumond proclaimed last Sunday’s 2nd reading from Romans 5:1-2,5-8: “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
She shared that what really had touched a chord in her that week was the line, “God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” That is the hope that never puts us to shame and is the core of our charism of trust in a provident God. She posed the faith question, “How or when have you experienced God’s love pouring into your heart?”
After solid sharing, our group then welcomed Sr Janice Belanger who shared a power point with us from her visit to Brazil last November for their gathering of Associates. We were able to “meet” some of our Brazilian sisters and brothers, hear summaries of their main talks, witness their colorful prayer and rituals and begin to dream of the day where we might collaborate further with them. We took note of their passionate pledge to the Sisters to accompany them into the future!
Southbridge Associates – February 12, 2020
Opening Song:
Blessed are they who are poor in spirit, Theirs is the kingdom of God.
Bless us, O Lord, make us poor in spirit; Bless us, O Lord, our God
We are the light of the world;
May our light shine before all,
That they may see the good that we do, and give glory to God.
Blessed are they who are meek and humble, They will inherit the earth
Bless us, O Lord, make us meek and humble; Bless us, O Lord, our God
We are the light of the world; may our light shine before all,
That they may see the good that we do, and give glory to God.
Matthew 5:13-16 The Message [Sunday Gospel, February 9, 2020]
“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.
“Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
A Southbridge Story: I read excerpts from Sr Lucille Mercier’s book, “On American Soil,” pages 38-42 and a few paragraphs on page 48 describing the challenges and courage of the first pioneer Sisters who opened our first USA mission in Southbridge! It’s a delightful rendition that includes fascinating details from archive memory as well as personal diary entries of those Sisters. We were amazed to be reminded that Hedwidge Buisson, one of our foundresses visited the convent here in Southbridge and both encouraged the Sisters and created a marked improvement in the students’ behavior because of her talks with them!
Faith Sharing questions:
How were these pioneer Sisters light and salt in Southbridge?
What do you want to remember from their story?
Closing Prayer:
Provident God, infuse us with the courage and the spirit of generosity of the pioneer Sisters of the Assumption who founded Notre Dame schools in Southbridge. Help us follow their devotion and their trust in Your Providence as we continue their charism in our families, our parish, our town. (refrain of opening song)
Southbridge September 14, 2022 Associate Meeting
We enjoyed the PowerPoint “Essentials”, which Christine had developed for the recent liaison meeting, to review prayerfully the essential elements of being associates: Context, Purpose, Spirituality! We then looked over pages 5, 7, and 8 of our Guidelines book, taking note of our remarks and insights for a report to be sent to the team who wrote them up.
Congregational news included the October 1st retreat, the advent book and proposed events to be offered to the SASV family in the coming year.
"What Is Essential?"
Southbridge June Meeting
Southbridge May Meeting
Southbridge April Meeting
For our April gathering, Pat Hemingway animated a solemn reflection, sharing with us her 2 trips to the Holy Land. Sharing photos taken on site of the actual places Jesus was during the 3 days of his passion and death, pat retold the impact of being present there. A reading of some of the Palm Sunday Gospel was proclaimed, and our faith sharing question was: “Share your emotional stance as you put yourself twice in the crowd’s position…are you more comfortable shouting Hosanna or Crucify Him? Share why based on your life experience. We began with Taize’s Ubi caritas, but intentionally ended and left the room in silence. It was very powerful.
Southbridge March Meeting Facilitated by Stephen St. Denis, ASASV Leadership Team
January 12th, 2022 Meeting
Southbridge December Session
We celebrated the reception ceremony for Eddy Delage and Theresa Farland, welcoming them as Associates! Sisters Judith Guertin and Janice Belanger joined us for the evening that ended with Christmas themed refreshments and song! We prayed from that evening’s advent book reflection.
November Southbridge Session
November 10, 2021
At our November session, we shared highlights from the Oct 30th retreat, discussed Christmas gifts for our Sisters, and Gereen led us in a brief reflection on the Sunday Scriptures for Nov 14, 2021: Mark 13: 24-32...
Learn a lesson from the fig tree.
When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves,
you know that summer is near.
In the same way, when you see these things happening,
know that he is near, at the gates.
Amen, I say to you,
this generation will not pass away
until all these things have taken place.
Heaven and earth will pass away,
but my words will not pass away.
Our faith sharing question: What do we see as signs that God is near our congregation and that we have reason to hope?
October 2021 Meeting
September 2021 Meeting
May 2021 Meeting
*Click on the image below to view meeting PowerPoint
March 2021 ASASV Meeting Summary
Clara D. was our animators and her topic was compassion; she chose St Paul’s letter to the Colossians as our reading and wove in this week’s installment from the Congregational Leadership team, as well as excerpts from Gospel stories showing Jesus’ great compassion. We shared on these questions: What is the difference between sympathy and true compassion? Do you see the hurt of others and seek to be there for them, encouraging them in Christ? After a closing prayer, we viewed an orchestra zoom version of “What the World Needs Now.”
Clara's Reflection*
A.S.AS.V. MEETING 2-10-2021
Opening: Tonight, we begin our meeting with remembering Sr. Jeanne d’Arc Poirier, Sr. Estelle Grenier, and Sr. Evelyn Brault. We thank them for their dedication to spreading the Father’s love. When I attended Sr. Estelle’s burial I walked around and saw so many names I recognized of Sisters who have touched my life. My thinking was how many seeds they have planted in the lives for those God entrusted them to teach. Sr. Jeanne who was a Southbridge native, Sr. Estelle who taught in Southbridge and Sr. Evelyn’s accomplishments in the USA and Japan. Let us offer thanks while listening to this song.
PLAY: St. Theresa’s Prayer
Reading of the Gospel for Sunday 2-14-2121. Mark 1: 40-45
Listen closely and choose a word that you can focus on.
Webster dictionary, “touch to have an effect upon; move emotionally.”
For me, the word is TOUCH. “Jesus stretched out His hand, touched him. In the opening prayer “the lives the Sisters have touched”. The new reality we live in touch is something we must abstain from doing. A fist bump does not do anything for me. I want to grab hold of the people I love, wrap my arms around them, have them feel my “touch” and I feel theirs.
After the leper was healed Jesus told him not to say anything but to present himself to the priest. Instead, he told everyone he met what Jesus had done. Can you imagine his excitement? Do you think we will react the same way when this virus is under control? I will be telling anyone who will listen, I kissed and hugged my children and grandchildren.
Open for discussion on word that was meaning for them.
How do we show HOPE to people when we cannot touch, hold or console them? Can we show them we miss them and love them; can they feel our hearts yearning to hold them?
Closing song: There is none like you by Carleen Sabin
January 2021 summary --- Associates' Meeting
The Gospel of John for the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time was proclaimed. [John 1:35-42] Christine then read an English translation of Sr Adrienne Roy’s letter to the Sisters and Associates of a couple weeks ago. Her reflection was based on this letter all about hope in the US during this year of pandemic and division, and focused on how we experience hope ONLY in times of chaos and darkness, and how in small ways we can give it to others. Our faith sharing question was, “When have you experienced hope making its way into your life when feeling lost in darkness and doubt?”
December 2020 summary --- Associates' Meeting
Clara proclaimed our December 6th Gospel, Mark 1:1-8, followed by her reflection.
Our faith sharing questions were:
1. How are you preparing for the coming of Christ?
2. Do you have a hard time recognizing Jesus?
“Let the Valleys Be Raised” was our closing song.
November 11, 2020 --- Associates' Meeting
Gereen facilitated this session and began by asking Clara to proclaim the coming Sunday Gospel of the Talents. Gereen created a Powerpoint reflection that included the following points:
As associates our gift given to us is our Charism…our spark. So what will we do with it?
Which servant do you feel you are?
Do you ever feel as though you are like the servant that received just the one talent?
Are you wasting an opportunity?
What opportunity do you have that you could take right now?
We need to make the absolute best of our time here. It’s easy to sit and wait with what we have.
The work that we do is not for us.
It’s for others…There’s always a little more that we are capable of giving….
We then shared our faith on those points, and we ended with “The River,” which Gereen sang for us! Discussion took place re: assigning ourselves Christmas gifts we will buy for the Sisters, and current needs in the parish’s Food Pantry.
October 14th --- Southbridge Associate Meeting
The coming Sunday’s Gospel was proclaimed, Matt. 22:15-21, and time was given to reflect on it. Our faith sharing question was then, “how do we foster the gift of HOPE God gave us through His Son, in the world today rendering to God what is God’s?” Pat Hemingway animated this session beginning with the song, “My heart is Bethlehem,” tying in a quote she read in the last NACAR report…and she ended our faith sharing with the song, “Walk with me.”
September 30th ---Southbridge Associate Meeting
Our September meeting focused on Sr Adrienne’s Sept 8th reflection, last Saturday’s retreat theme, and yesterday’s feast of the Guardian angels. We shared our reaction to the retreat and picked up on a challenge in Sr Anne Louise’s keynote: how this year can we in Southbridge, grow the quality of relationships between us, other Associates and our Sisters? Ideas were noted and will be acted upon. Ideas ranged from regular correspondence between associates and Sisters/facetime calls and zoom meetings between locations, to specific ideas such as when talking with the Sisters, as for their stories/struggles and joys to foster bonding and knowing each other better.
Our opening song was a hymn to our angels, and the closing repeated the retreat film, “Grateful!”
May 13, 2020 Zoom Meeting
Mary’s Garden: Flowers associated with Mary
Rose - symbol of life eternal. Mary has been called the Mystical Rose
Green leaves are the Joyful Mysteries
Thorns are the Sorrowful Mysteries
Fragrance symbolizes the Glorious Mysteries of Jesus and Mary
Marigolds - gold in color - reflects Mary’s glory
Periwinkles - blue in color - associated with Mary
Madonna Lily - petals reflects Mary’s purity and the gold in the middle symbolizes Mary’s beauty of soul
Rosemary a herb. Legend has it that Mary used it when she hung the infant Jesus’ clothes to dry.
Southbridge Associates March 11, 2020
Pat Gaumond proclaimed last Sunday’s 2nd reading from Romans 5:1-2,5-8: “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
She shared that what really had touched a chord in her that week was the line, “God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” That is the hope that never puts us to shame and is the core of our charism of trust in a provident God. She posed the faith question, “How or when have you experienced God’s love pouring into your heart?”
After solid sharing, our group then welcomed Sr Janice Belanger who shared a power point with us from her visit to Brazil last November for their gathering of Associates. We were able to “meet” some of our Brazilian sisters and brothers, hear summaries of their main talks, witness their colorful prayer and rituals and begin to dream of the day where we might collaborate further with them. We took note of their passionate pledge to the Sisters to accompany them into the future!
Southbridge Associates – February 12, 2020
Opening Song:
Blessed are they who are poor in spirit, Theirs is the kingdom of God.
Bless us, O Lord, make us poor in spirit; Bless us, O Lord, our God
We are the light of the world;
May our light shine before all,
That they may see the good that we do, and give glory to God.
Blessed are they who are meek and humble, They will inherit the earth
Bless us, O Lord, make us meek and humble; Bless us, O Lord, our God
We are the light of the world; may our light shine before all,
That they may see the good that we do, and give glory to God.
Matthew 5:13-16 The Message [Sunday Gospel, February 9, 2020]
“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.
“Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
A Southbridge Story: I read excerpts from Sr Lucille Mercier’s book, “On American Soil,” pages 38-42 and a few paragraphs on page 48 describing the challenges and courage of the first pioneer Sisters who opened our first USA mission in Southbridge! It’s a delightful rendition that includes fascinating details from archive memory as well as personal diary entries of those Sisters. We were amazed to be reminded that Hedwidge Buisson, one of our foundresses visited the convent here in Southbridge and both encouraged the Sisters and created a marked improvement in the students’ behavior because of her talks with them!
Faith Sharing questions:
How were these pioneer Sisters light and salt in Southbridge?
What do you want to remember from their story?
Closing Prayer:
Provident God, infuse us with the courage and the spirit of generosity of the pioneer Sisters of the Assumption who founded Notre Dame schools in Southbridge. Help us follow their devotion and their trust in Your Providence as we continue their charism in our families, our parish, our town. (refrain of opening song)